Sustainability Consulting for MAJOR REMODELS
Planning an extensive home renovation or addition? No better time to address whole-house issues such as inconsistent temperatures, humidity, leaky ducts, and inadequate insulation and air sealing. Symbify works to augment conventional remodeling projects with home performance strategies that will increase comfort and lower utility bills. Find out if your renovation could achieve net zero credentials, a healthy and sustainable home that produces as much energy as it consumes annually.
Working with our partner Kelly Green Energy Raters, below is an example of Symbify’s sustainability services for major remodels::
- Architectural design review for sustainability standards; explore options for third-party green certification;
- Identify financial incentives to support efficiency upgrades such as federal rebate programs, federal and state tax deductions, and green financing opportunities;
- Calculate a projected HERS Index Score (energy modeling) based on the plans and specifications;
- Provide fixture and finish selection parameters to meet or exceed sustainability standards; review selections for alignment with standards;
- Obtain up to three quotes for solar panels and/or shingles to achieve at or near Net Zero performance;
- Create a plan for ongoing home performance monitoring.
- Conduct a home energy audit of existing property to include blower door test, thermal bridging via infrared camera, inventory of equipment and appliances, and visual interior and exterior inspection ($750);
- Create a whole-house Sustainability Action Plan to complement home renovations that may include (but not limited to) insulation and air sealing, updated mechanicals, solar production, mechanical ventilation ($750);
- Solicit and review bids for contractors, recommend product specifications, and provide take‐offs as needed at a rate of $125/hour.
- Provide updated mechanical design documents (Manual D, J, S) – subcontracted to mechanical engineer, cost TBD.
- Conduct construction inspections and oversight to contractors at rate of $125/hour.
Starting at
- Conduct a minimum of two green home inspections, as per certification requirements:
- Pre-drywall inspection for insulation/air sealing and total duct leakage testing (assuming two duct zones),
- Final inspection and performance testing, including blower door and other performance tests (i.e. fresh air flow, hot water calcs);
- Conduct up to 2 additional quality control inspections during the construction process, as requested by homeowner.
Option: Additional field inspections as needed at the rate of $125/hour.
Starting at
- Complete all final analyses and paperwork to obtain green certification;
- One site visit to monitor pre-occupancy flush;
- Post-occupancy onsite tutorial on optimizing mechanicals, ventilation and energy use.
Option: Consolidated homeowners manual with automated reminders of equipment and appliance maintenance schedules ($595).
Included in fee above.